Without a legal identity, the other organizations cannot function well. 如果没有一个合法的身份,这些组织并不能很好的发挥作用。
His legal identity, passport, qualifications and future inheritance were not for sale. 但霍尔特没有将他的法律身份、护照、学历证书及未来的继承权一并拍卖。
One of the first MDG 2.0 targets, therefore, should be reducing statelessness and providing universal legal identity: the enactment and enforcement of legislation ensuring every citizen has universal access to a documented legal identity and is registered at birth. 因此,2.0版千年发展目标的首要目标之一就是减少无国籍人口、提供普遍的合法身份:通过立法和执法,确保每位公民都拥有记录在册的合法身份,而且在其出生之时就得到登记。
The corporation has its own legal identity, separate from its shareholders and it may acquire, own, and sell property, maintain legal actions, and do everything a person can do. 公司拥有与股东分离的法律地位,可以获得、拥有和销售财产,采取法律行动,以及做任何个人能做的事。
"performance art" doesn't has "legal identity" till now. “行为艺术”至今仍未获得“合法身份”。
In order to solve and eliminate these dilemmas, the Article imports the concept "legal identity". 为了解决和改善法律移植背景之下的中国法律现代性困境文章了引出法律认同。
Main civic identity, legal identity, political identity, and moral identity were perfectly interpreted in this article. 它将公民意识中的主体认同、法制认同、政治认同、道德认同进行了完美的诠释。
Civil registration provides the basis for individual legal identity but also allows countries to identify their most pressing health issues. 民事登记不仅提供了个人的法律身份,而且还可以帮助国家确定他们最为紧迫的卫生问题。
Legal identity is realized through games and communications within individual groups and estates and can be divided into four dimensions, namely belief, emotion, custom and rationality. 法律认同是各个群体、阶层之间通过相互博弈和沟通来实现的,分为信仰、情感、习惯和理性四维。
There have been many studies on the partition of the civil servant's dual legal identity by law experts, but a unified understanding on this issue has not been formed. 法学界对公务员双重法律身份划分问题不乏研究,但并没有形成统一的认识。
This makes the network's legal identity is particularly important. 这就使得网络的合法身份认证尤为重要。
Engineering citizens of young peasants, refer to they obtain urbanite the same course of legal identity and social right at identity, the most obvious sign is registered permanent residence of city that has obtained site and corresponding social right. 青年农民工市民化,是指他们在身份上获得城市居民相同的合法身份和社会权利的过程,最明显的标志是获得所在地的城市户口及相应的社会权利。
As state functionary, they should possess two features: One is to possess legal identity, the other is to be engaged in public affairs in accordance with law. 作为国家工作人员应该具备二个条件:一是必须具有法定身份,二是必须依法从事公务。
It can effectively resist malicious attacks with legal identity, and reduce the cost of security. 与其他入侵容忍数据库相比,文中提出的数据库安全体系结构能有效抵御来自于OS级、DBMS级以及事务级的恶意攻击,同时降低了安全成本。
Legal Transplantation and Legal Identity 法律移植与法律认同
Legal Identity and Mental Attribution of Shenzhen ′ s New Immigrants 深圳新移民合法身份与心理归属感
The owner of digital certificate can produce his certificate to other people, web sites and network resources. The certificates help validating his legal identity, establishing the encrypted and credible communication with others. 数字证书拥有者可以将其证书提供给其他人、Web站点及网络资源,以证实他的合法身份,并且与对方建立加密的、可信的通信。
The so-called "act disposition of the identity of college and university students" refers to a kind of management power that deprives students of legal identity and their rights to education according to certain laws. 所谓高校学生身份处分权,是指高校依据法定事由剥夺学生的法律身份及其受教育权利的一种管理权力。
This theory is taking theory of indirect principal offender and the binary structure of unit personality as basic. Its applicable scope includes unit which lacks legal identity, lacks criminal ability, or lacks ability to assume punishment. 单位人格否认论,以单位人格的二元构造和间接正犯的理论为基础,其适用范围包括单位缺乏合法身份、缺乏犯罪能力和缺乏刑罚适应能力的场合。
Because of the predominance of PKI system in identification, and users 'legal identity must be discriminated for software protection, it is possible to combine software protection and PKI system. 由于PKI体系对于身份识别有着特殊的优势,而软件版权保护必然要对用户的合法身份进行甄别,因此,将PKI体系与软件版权保护结合起来是可行的。
This analysis and research on the legal nature of the licensing chain operations, as well as the legal relationship of the objects franchising legal identity. 文章重在分析和研究特许连锁经营法律关系的性质,以及作为这一法律关系客体的特许经营权的法律属性。
Bribery is the typical crime of identity, the actor must have special legal identity. 受贿罪是典型的身份犯,行为人必须具有法定的特殊身份。
However, there is a lack of explicit regulation in present law regarding the issue of applicability to two relief system, leading to the obvious differences in local legislation, thus the judiciary is not uniform, legal identity suffered serious influence. 关于两种救济制度竞合时如何适用法律问题,由于我国立法规定的不明确,导致各地方立法对此规定都不同,从而在司法实践中判例不一,法律的统一性受到了严重影响。
In fact, neither the legal identity feature nor the extrinsic feature of criminal behavior is the essential characteristics of criminals. 而犯罪人的法律身份特征和外在的犯罪行为特征,并不是犯罪人最为本质的特征。对犯罪人特征进行深入的研究,在理论上和现实中都有意义。
In order to ensure the reliability of the information collection and transmission, for the new nodes join the network, authentication of their legal identity is the key technology to ensure the network security. 为保证采集和传输信息的可靠性,对于新加入网络的节点,认证其合法身份成为保证网络安全性的关键技术。
From send law to the countryside: establish a legal identity of farmers; to lay a solid foundation: to promote the trust of the farmers of the law; and then to win the sacred: cast the sense of sacred legal of farmers. 从送法下乡:树立农民的法律认同;到夯实基础:促进农民对法律的信赖;再到赢得神圣:铸就农民的法律神圣感。
At present, stock companies have got legal identity in operating private-offered business and trust companies can also do it under the strict superintendence of People Bank of China. 目前,证券公司从事私募基金业务已有了合法的身份,信托公司在人民银行的严格监管下也可开展私募业务。
So it is claimed that the development of charity requires the ordinal development of charity organization. In terms of this, other than the law need to endow the charity organization with legal identity, the law is also required to regulate and control it. 发展慈善事业必须使慈善组织健康发展,这不仅需要法律赋予其合法主体地位,更需要法律对其予以规制、监督。
The long-standing "dual management" system limits the social organizations to obtain the legal identity and develop further. 长期存在的社会组织双重管理体制也限制了社会组织获取合法身份及进一步发展。